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TEXAS EXTRAS BANNER The registration form is at the bottom of the page or click HERE
email your registration to us when it is complete by clicking here

Hello and thanks for your interest in Texas Extras The most important and main thing we need for you to register is a picture for the database.

We really like to see 3/4 body shots, which is from the knee up, so if you have some of these you can send them to us. Remember all we need is a picture that is recent with no one else in the shot that is clear and in focus where we can see who you are, and hopefully not from a camera phone.

You do not need a professional picture just pictures so if you walked in the room we could recognize you from your picture. PLEASE WE BEG YOU NO GLAMOUR SHOTS!

Like most of us you may have more than one job, and if you wear any job uniform send in this type of pictures also. Any uniform is good IE; nurse, doctor, police, paramedic, military, fireman, mechanic, carpenter, painter, welder, cowboy, cowgirl, lifeguard, lawyer, judge, dancer, cheerleader, football player, etc. if it is normal for you send it, make sure if you send pictures with a hat you send at least 1 without a hat. You do not have to send in a uniform picture now just list what uniforms you have below even if you do not have a picture of you in them.

Anything you might wear that is specific to what you do for a living is good also no matter if it is just shorts and a shirt. Send any picture you want and we will pick out the best for the database or let you know we need another one.

PLEASE, only send a picture of you not of you and your friends or buddies, we do not have time to remember who is who in the pictures we are looking at, and we do not have time to crop them for you. Anyone can join so get your friends to send in their info as well. We make ask you for a family photo if we are in need of parents and kids to be booked as a family

Below is the link to the registration form you can download it and email it back to us when you get done.

Please make sure to send a picture with your registration. We at least need a note letting us now when to expect it or you may mail it to us if you need to.

Right-click the link and select save target as to save it to your computer
Registration Form
Link to send email once completeJOIN NOW
This is what the form looks like